Eligible Expenses

Braver Angels field funds must be used to pay for expenses that progress the Braver Angels mission.  This page describes common expenses that are pre-approved, as well as other special expenses and how to obtain approval for them.

Common Expenses

If a Field Unit has the available balance, no prior approval is needed to spend on these common expenses (up to a maximum of $1000 per expense)

Special Expenses

Large Expenses

Requests that exceed the $1000 maximum threshold must be reviewed by your State Coordinator.  

If your request is for an item outside of the standard eligible categories, or costs above $1000, then it must be approved by your State Coordinator.  Please follow this procedure:

Once your request is approved by the field finance team, the requested funds will be loaded to your BILL Spend & Expense card (formerly Divvy) within 2 business days.  

Requests that exceed $2500 must be reviewed by the Office of Field Operations Co-Chairs.  

If your expense costs more than $2500, then it must be approved by the Office of Field Operations. Please email us and request that the Co-chairs review your request for spending. 


If you wish to hire part-time or full-time staff, please contact the Office of Field Operations, as this will need to be coordinated with the National human resources  and finance teams.

Multi-State Expenses

Funding requests involving multiple States will be vetted by Regional Leads, with eventual approval by Field Operations Directors.  Funding requests for initiatives at a national level are approved by Field Operations Directors. 

Recurring Expenses

Requests which entail recurring payments are not assured of re-funding, based on changing resources.