Individual Donations
Receive Donations Directly to for Your Alliance or State
Online gifts made by individuals or organizations may be directed to a specific Alliance, State, or Region if they are donated online. The 80/20 policy applies to all donations to field units. Here's how you can direct people to give to your area:
Alliances and States: On the Braver Angels website, go to Take Action --> Find Your Local Alliance. At the bottom of the page, there is a map of the Alliances and States nationwide. Click on the state which contains the Alliance. Next to each listed Alliance is a "Donate" link that will take you to a donation page that is pre-populated to donate to that Alliance.
Reminder: Stripe or any other processing fees are pulled from the 20% that goes to National- the alliances/field units will always receive 80% of the gross donation.
Emailing a Solicitation for Donations
If you want to send out an email to your Alliance or State's mailing list asking for donations to your state, you can copy the URL from going to the above donation page for your state, and put it in your fundraising email. This way, when people click on the link, it will be pre-populated with your Alliance/State.
A Success Story
Washington State was growing and needed to pay for an expanded Mailchimp license. The group sent an email to their mailing list with this information:
We Need Financial Help: We are growing fast, so we urgently need to buy a paid subscription to the mass email system, MailChimp, that makes this newsletter possible (so far, we have been using the free version). Therefore, we are looking to raise a total of $500 to cover the yearly subscription cost of MailChimp. Please use this link to donate whatever amount you feel comfortable with.
Using the steps described above, they linked to a donation page that was set up for donations to go specifically to Washington State. In less than a week, they raised the funds they needed.
Donations by Check to an Alliance or State
Donations of any amount, made by check, can be directed to a specific Alliance, State, or Region. Please include the name and ID of the Alliance, State, or Region on the check or accompanying letter. The ID can be looked up here. If both are not included, we cannot guarantee that it will be allocated to the proper Field Unit.
The 80/20 policy applies to all gifts. Checks can be sent to Braver Angels at its main office, 733 3rd Ave 16th Fl., New York, NY 10017. Braver Angels' EIN is 13-3400377.
Questions? Please contact us.
Company Matching Donations
Did you know that thousands of companies across the country will match your donation? Your employer may be willing to contribute to an organization like Braver Angels that you are passionate about. Talk to the Human Resources department at your company to see if it will participate in an employee donor match program. Contact Dawn Strauss, Braver Angels Director of Development at with questions.