Foundation Grants

About Foundation Grants

Pursuing a Foundation Grant is usually a massive undertaking. Foundations look for very specific types of projects to fund and will often turn down proposals if they don't match their desired characteristics. They often have stringent reporting requirements for 2-3 years after the grant is received, which can put a heavy workload on the group that receives the money. On average, the time between approaching a Foundation to receiving money is about 12 months.

The Braver Angels Development Team works with National Foundations on large sums of money to try and fund both the Braver Angels organization and the numerous field Alliances. If your Alliance wants to pursue a Foundation grant, we require coordination with the Development Team because we want to make sure a Foundation is approached by only one Braver Angels entity. 

If you want to pursue a Foundation grant

If you would like to pursue a Foundation grant, first produce:

Once you have those things, notify Dawn Strauss, the Director of Development for Braver Angels

If the grant proposal is less than $10,000, you and your Alliance will be responsible for satisfying the Foundation's requirements, including the reporting requirements for the (usually) 2-3 years after receiving the money. If the grant proposal is greater than or equal to $10,000, please coordinate with the Development team when pursuing this grant.

Please note our Development Team is very small at the moment. As such, please allow a few days for them to get back to you with regards to any Foundation grant proposals.