Eventbrite Donations

Every time you run an event--online or on-land--you can collect donations for your local Alliance through the event registration process offered by Braver Angels' national Eventbrite account. 

In order for these funds to be allocated to your field unit, you must register your event through the Braver Angels Event Request Form (ERF). In the Event Request Form, you will be asked to submit the event's Alliance ID so that funds can be allocated to the appropriate Alliance.  You can find your Alliance ID here

When an Eventbrite page is created via the Event Request Form, it will automatically include a checkout page with some best-practices fundraising language that has been shown to increase donations. This means that you'll get increased contributions!

Please note that local Eventbrite accounts may not collect donations for Braver Angels or an alliance, and it is in violation of Braver Angels' non-profit status to collect donations under Braver Angels' name through any Eventbrite accounts other than the national account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Field Funding team.

Reminder: Eventbrite fees, Stripe, or any other processing fees are pulled from the 20% that goes to National- the alliances/field units will always receive 80% of the gross donation.