Red-Friendly Topic Discussion (Berkeley Model)
Red-Friendly Topic Discussion - the “Berkeley Model”
Berkeley, CA is a Blue enclave. In order to conduct events with Red-Blue balance, the Berkeley Alliance’s co-chairs have developed an event format that is attractive to Reds, which they hold on Zoom. With this approach, they have been able to attract Reds from across the country to participate. To support Red/Blue balance, Blues who wish to participate are asked to bring a Red.
To support execution of these events, the Berkeley Alliance has cultivated a small, evenly balanced team of Reds and Blues that meets weekly to plan and discuss topics.
The following are the components of each event:
Topic selection and event title
The team selects a topic that is of interest to Reds, and phrases the event title in a framing that draws Reds in. They have found that a more aggressive tone sometimes helps. Examples:
“DEI Under the Gun! How Can this Wild Beast be Tamed?”
“Who is Destroying Democracy?”
“Homelessness: Whose Fault Is It?”Provide pre-reads in the Eventbrite and in registration emails
The Berkeley team chooses thoughtful articles that cumulatively present both sides, with an emphasis on articles that present the Red perspective clearly and intelligently. Registrants are urged to do the reading ahead of time. In addition, discussion questions are provided for reflection ahead of time. Please see this page for sample pre-reads and discussion questions from past Berkeley events.
Flow of the event (on Zoom)
Attendees are asked to arrive 10 minutes early; they enter directly into the group Zoom meeting space
Participants welcomed
Participants asked to change their Zoom name to include their political leaning
Panelists speak
Review ground rules:
No cross-talk, debating, or arguing
Be curious and listen to understand.
Show respect and suspend judgment.
Note any common ground as well as any differences.
Be authentic and welcome that from others. Be purposeful and to the point.
Own and guide the conversation.
We are here to understand each other, not to convince each other.
Breakout rooms:
Attendees share their reactions and experiences to the topic.
Each breakout room has 4-6 participants, ideally including an experienced BA member who acts as facilitator and enforces the ground rules
Each participant takes up to 4 minutes
Before the next person takes their turn, they summarize the critical points heard from the preceding speaker without editorializing or commenting.
After everyone has shared, the group may take a few minutes for clarifying or follow-up questions/responses.
Group chooses a representative to report back to the main group: “What did we learn?”
Return to the main group for report-out from breakouts and general discussion
Feedback survey
If you would like to attend a Berkeley event, please see the Alliance’s website for upcoming events.